Sand can be very troublesome in separators by causing cutout of valve trim, plugging of separator internals, and accumulation in the bottom of the separator.…
If the flow rate of the inlet stream is known in moles per day then the number of moles per day of gas flow can…
The liquid flow rate in moles per day for a given inlet stream can be determined from Equation 3-17. In our example, for an inlet…
This is not strictly a cut but consists of all the light material in the crude absorbed into the total overhead distillate from the crude…
Head Bernoulli is a term that refers to the total energy of a fluid at a given point in a steady flow system. It consists…
A gas-processing plant, is designed to recover ethane, propane, butane, and other natural gas liquids from the gas stream. A condensate stabilizer also recovers some…
Numerous processes have been developed for gas sweetening based on a variety of chemical and physical principles. These processes can be categorized by the principles…
For sizing a horizontal three-phase separator it is necessary to specify a vessel diameter and a seam-to-seam vessel length. The gas capacity and retention time…
The molecular weight of the liquid stream is calculated from the weighted average liquid component molecular weight given by: This is calculated in Table 3-3.…
Coalescing of the small water drops dispersed in the crude can be accomplished by subjecting the water-in-oil emulsion to a high-voltage electrical field. When a…