Developed by Allied Chemical Company, this process is selective toward removing sulfur compounds. Levels of CO2 can be reduced by approximately 85%. This process may…
The flow rate for gas through a given orifice area or the area required for a given flow rate is obtained by:
Coriolis mass-flow controllers (MFCs) are widely used in the chemical process industries (CPI) for applications that require precise and accurate measurement and control of critical…
Vessel Supports Small vertical vessels may be supported by angle support legs, as shown in Figure 12-11. Larger vertical vessels are generally supported by a…
The maximum allowable stress values to be used in the calculation of the vessel’s wall thickness are given in the ASME Code for many different…
A vent scrubber is a two-phase separator designed to remove the liquid from the relieving fluids before the gas is flared or vented. The liquid…
All ASME Code vessels are inspected by an approved Code inspector. The manufacturer will supply Code papers signed by the inspector. The nameplate on the…
Liquid carryover and gas blowby are two common operating problems. Liquid carryover occurs when free liquid escapes with the gas phase and can indicate high…
This equation, which is also sometimes called the Weisbach equation or the Darcy-Weisbach equation, states that the friction head loss between two points in a…
The droplet diameter is the most important single parameter to control to aid in water settling since this term is squared in the settling equation.…